Web Accessibility Guidelines
At Amplimark, we understand website accessibility. We follow guidelines developed by WAI. This webpage explains some of the web accessibility aspects of our web design methodologies.
Alternatives to Auditory and Visual Content
Every web page that serves images, movies, sounds or other script based on text output provides equivalent alternatives. This equivalent information serves the same purpose as the visual or auditory content. Thus, a text equivalent for an image of an upward arrow that links to a table of contents could be “Go to table of contents.” In some cases, an equivalent is also used to describe the appearance of visual content (e.g., for complex charts, billboards, or diagrams) or the sound of auditory content (e.g., for audio samples used in education).
We Don’t Rely on Color Alone
The web is very visual and color palettes make it highly engaging. However, some people cannot differentiate between specific colors. We also have to account for web users with devices that have non-color or non-visual displays. Also, when foreground and background colors are too close to the same hue, they may not provide sufficient contrast when viewed using monochromatic displays. In addition, people with different types of color deficits may struggle as well. While the vast majority of web users are indifferent to these issues, others find them impossible to deal with. If color alone is used to convey information, we are not connecting with these users. At Amplimark, our user interface design is always independent of color scheme used.
Markup and Style Sheets to Format Output
At Amplimark, we understand the difference between content, structure, and presentation. We use control presentation with style sheets rather than with presentation elements and attributes. Remember, misusing markup – not according to specification – hinders accessibility. Misusing markup for a presentation effect (e.g., using a table for layout or a header to change the font size) makes it difficult for users with specialized software to understand the organization of the page or to navigate through it. Furthermore, using presentation markup rather than structural markup to convey structure (e.g., constructing what looks like a table of data with an HTML PRE element) makes it difficult to render a page intelligibly.
Direct Accessibility of Embedded User Interfaces
We ensure that every user interface follows the principles of accessible design: device-independent access to functionality, operational keyboard, self-voicing, etc. We make sure that when an embedded object has its “own interface,” the interface – like the interface to the browser itself – is be accessible. If the interface of the embedded object cannot be made available, an alternative solution is provided.
We Follow W3C Guidelines
W3C guidelines are there for a reason. We use W3C technologies (according to specification) and follow accessibility guidelines. Where it is not possible to use a W3C technology, or doing so results in a material that does not transform gracefully, we provide an alternative version of the content that is accessible.